Update New Year’s Eve flood relief shoot

Noms are now open online at MCMS for our New Year's Eve flood relief shoot with some more sponsors coming on board!
Mal Carr has donated some ammo which we will use to pay Ladies & Veterans prizes in all 3 events! Thank you Mal!!
Bill Hailes from OZgunsales.com has donated all the junior prizes in all the events!  Thank you Bill.
Darryl Johnston & family have donated money to go towards prizes in the Double Barrel events for the grades.  Thank you Darryl & family!! #fuckcancer
And Craig Henwood who has donated money to go towards the Point Score events for grade prizes!  Thank you Craig!
It is promising to be a great event and pre nomination will be appreciated.  Please note that when you do enter via MCMS you will have the option of giving an additional donation to the club for flood relief should you wish to.
We look forward to seeing you at the Melbourne Gun Club.